Invite your friends to Keszthely and join a team!

Racing in a team is the greatest experience, cheering for team members is the best feeling!

Main details
Entry fee
Over 18 year
21 000 Ft
Under 18 year
12 000 Ft
Price available
2025.03.01. - 2025.08.17.
A running race is not only about performance and overcoming ourselves but also about teams, running together and shared joy.
At the Kilometres of Keszthely races relays, two of which you can choose from, are becoming more and more popular.
14,2 km for teams of two: 2 persons (female, male and mixed teams - mixed relays count as male)
21,5 km relay: 3 persons (female, male and mixed teams - mixed relays count as male)
We recommend registering for the relay to those who
  • only have time to run once a week
  • have some sporting background but due to some injury or any other reason had to stop running for some time
  • are mothers, and they have just restarted doing sport after the birth of a child
  • took up sport only at an older age
  • like to perform and fight for each other in a team
  • prefer shorter distances.
Things you should know about the KKM relay races
  • the Keszthely running track is a circular one
  • one lap is 7 km long
  • every lap has 3 refreshing stations
  • there is medical staff at every refreshing station
  • the chips are inside the team number
  • at the KKM every relay team member receives a medal
At the Kilometres of Keszthely running race relay runners get the same services as individual runners. Eat and drink at the refreshment stations without hesitation to make sure you will arrive at the finish. If you are over 12 and you are an athlete or triathlete, gather your friends and forma team. It will be a real experience to get into the adults’ world and compete with them.
Relays are popular with corporate teams, because they are a great opportunity for promoting your company and strengthening the team spirit. It is like a pleasant team building event, because not only team members have to be found but supporters must be recruited as well. The following are some corporate teams that have honoured the Kilometres of Keszthely races several times: NaturMed Hotel Carbona, Hotel Európa fit and Lotus Hotel & Thermal Spa.
Good to know!
If one person is missing from your team, find a fellow runner running individually to complete the team. He/she will be the first runner, having two start numbers: and individual and relay one. That will make you ready for participation in the race.
Race place: Keszthely, Festetics palace
Entry fees
DateOver 18 yearUnder 18 year
2024.12.01. - 2024.12.31.18 000 Ft/team4 000 Ft/team
2025.01.01. - 2025.02.28.19 500 Ft/team4 000 Ft/team
2025.03.01. - 2025.08.17.21 000 Ft/team4 000 Ft/team

Pre-registration closing: 18.08.2024.

On-site entry on the weekend of the competition: 7 500 Ft / team